

When will a typhoon or a storm form?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Typhoon Signals

Weather is very important to all of us. It influences our choice of food, clothing, means of transportation and recreation.

Every morning we want to know what kind of weather we are going to have. The daily weather forecasts in the newspaper, T. V. and radio help us plan our day.

Typhoon Signals are storm warnings. They help people take precautionary measures to prevent damage to life and property.

Kinds of Typhoon Signals

Typhoon Signal

No. 1 - a disturbance is existing. Be alert. Classes are suspended for pre-school and primary levels. Winds of 30-60 kph. may be expected within 36 hours.

No. 2 - A disturbance is approaching. Stay indoors. Classes are suspended for pre-schoo, primary and elementary. Winds of 60 - 100 kph. may be expected within 24 hours.

No. 3 - disturbances is dangerous to locality. Everybody is advised to stay home. Classes in all levels are automatically suspended. Winds of 100 kph. to 185 kph. maybe expected within 18 hours.

No. 4 - Very strong winds of more than 185 kph. maybe expected within 12 hours.

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The center of a typhoon is the eye of the typhoon. Also known as The Eye of The Storm.

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Typhoon originates in the Greek for their monster Typhoon the storm giant.

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