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Two or three days minimum on up to five to seven days, providing no complications develop. The local trauma tears tissues and such, and that's all part of the process. The damage caused elicits the collection of fluids between disrupted tissue spaces - where it usually isn't present to any degree. There's a fair amount of this, and that's the swelling. As the membranes reform and the body repairs itself, the extra fluid is reabsorbed and the swelling goes down. The pain will disappear as well. In the first 48 hours or so, no drinking straws, no rinsing no solid foods of any kind. The key is to avoid disloging the blood clot that forms in the space vacated by the tooth. This clot "seals" the fine bone and nerve endings exposed through the extraction process, and it is most important to let the clot protect them from infection. Pain should "ramp down" over a few days, and any "big flare ups" in the hurt department need to be looked at to insure there isn't any infection. If you are taking something to help with infection prevention, follow the recommendations closely. Good luck.

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The swelling will last a few days to a week. It depends of how big was the infection previously, and of how much drainage was done. The location can also affect the the healing process.

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Q: When will the swelling of a tooth extraction go away?
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How can you tell if a tooth extraction is healing normally?

There are several ways to tell if a tooth extraction is healing normally. After a couple of days, bleeding will stop, swelling will go down, and the pain will go away. If any of these things persist after three or four days, it is important to go to the dentist immediately.

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The numbness and thickness after a molar extraction usually goes away after a few hours but could last a day or two. Usually by the next dental visit the numbness, thickness and swelling should be gone if not inform your dentist.

How do you get out a tooth?

By going to the dentist for an extraction.

What are the reasons for tooth extraction?

When your dentist has suggested tooth extraction in Abu Dhabi, then it is advisable to go about with it as soon as possible. When your teeth have decayed beyond repair, it would be best to extract it.

What Causes severe facial swelling on only one side of the face and pus pockets?

i had that happen and it was an absest tooth go to a dentist right away its an infection that needs to be treated and it can spread to other teeth

how much does a tooth extraction normally cost on average in this area?

A simple extraction in Flordia starts around $75, but could go as high as 150. A surgical extraction, however, is in the $150 -$300 range.

How long after a molar tooth extraction can you swim?

You should wait at least 4 or 5 days after a molar tooth extraction before you go swimming. This activity can get your blood pumping fast and dislodge the clot giving you dry socket.

What is a bump on your gum after having a tooth out?

It is probably 1 of 2 things. It could be similar to a blood blister where your gums have formed a protective layer to stop the bleeding or it could simply be some kind of food stuck in the hole where the tooth was extracted from.

How long does it take for pain to go away after tooth extraction when tooth breaks several times?

THERE are instances in which it may not have been possible to remove the tooth as one single unit. In such cases the tooth would have to be removed in separate pieces and may be it would have been done in separate sittings. PAIN AND SWELLING in such cases are the norm rather than exception. IT may take a week or even more for complete normalcy to return. But that should not hinder you from normal activities.

Why your gum surrounding the extraction of tooth is hurting?

The gum or tissue around a tooth that has been extracted can still be sore for a few days.. remember you had a tooth removed there so that is considered a surgery whether or not it was a simple or surgical extraction it will be sore.. when the tooth is extracted the dentist has to wiggle the tooth around a little to (sort of what you call detach the gum attached to your tooth)! The gum will get inflamed and the surrounding areas make hurt for a few days but this will eventually go away. Aunt Laura

Is it a bad thing that I'm bleeding 6 days later after my tooth extraction?

Yep, go see your doctor.

How can I reduce swelling caused by an abcessed tooth?

You can take Nurofen to help reduce the swelling from a tooth abscess. You will also need to get an antibiotic from your dentist which will not only help bring the swelling down but will also clear up the infection.