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Apical pulse will never be less than the radial pulse. A radial pulse rate less than the apical rate is an example of a pulse deficit, and can be the result of a heart murmur, but the opposite will never occur.

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12y ago

If the radial or any other pulse is too difficult to obtain via palpitation, the apical pulse is relied on. Using a stethoscope and hearing the pulse is generally easier than fumbling around with distal pulses. In some cases every second is crucial. Some services do recommend checking the apical pulse along with lung sounds, although the practice is not common.

If the patient has arrhythmia, sometimes you cannot appreciate all of their heart beats peripherally. In those cases, the only accurate pulse reading would be an apical heart rate.

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What are 2 types of pulse?

Radial and apical pulse

In normal conditions is the apical pulse the same as the radial pulse?

NO. the difference between the Apical and Radial pulse is known as the pulse deficit. There should be some difference between the twon.

What conditions may cause the apical and radial pulse to be different from each other?

Please double check this but here is a shot Apical pulse will never be less than the radial pulse. A radial pulse rate less than the apical rate is an example of a pulse deficit, and can be the When_would_an_apical_pulse_be_less_then_radial_pulseof a heart murmur, but the opposite will never occur.

What is the condition where there is a difference in apical and radial pulse?

The Pulse Deficit

Does a pulse ox read apical or radial pulse?

They read the ulnar arteries.

What is pulse deficit?

It is the difference in the apical pulse and the radial pulse. These should be taken at the same time, which will require that 2 people take the pulse. One with a stethoscope and one at the wrist. Count for 1 full minute. The subtract the radial from the apical. This is the Pulse Deficit.

What is the most accurate pulse?

Your Heart.

What is the pulse on your chest called?

It's called the apical pulse. For future reference: Radial pulse - at your wrist next to your thumb on both arms. Carotid pulse - at your neck. Apical pulse - at your chest. Brachial pulse - anticubital (opposite of the elbow side).

What is apical pulse?

apical pulse is actually the heartbeat

Where can you found the 11 pulses?

Temporal, Radial, Dorsalis Pedis, Anterior Tibial, Apical pulse, Ulnar pulse, brachial pulse, Carotid pulse, Femoral pulse, Popliteal pulse, Posterior Tibialis pulse.

What is the number of pulse points in the human body?

there is (1) temporal pulse, (2) facial pulse, (3) carotid pulse, (4) antebrachial pulse, (5) brachial pulse, (6) radial pulse, (7) apical pulse, (8) popliteal pulse and another one on the anterior portion of the feet.