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No, it does not. The mosquito doesn't inject a toxin. Instead, they simply try to injest your blood as a nutrient. The problems come in when the transfer goes both ways. The bump is your body reacting, not to a toxin, but to something it feels shouldn't be there (antigens). Scratching a mosquito bite doesn't release toxins into your bloodstream, but it does aggravate an already irritated area and, if you open a wound there, you can easily get an infection started. So don't scratch :}

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Q: When you scratch a mosquito bite does it release poison into the bloodstream?
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Probably one of the best solutions to this would be to pump the stomach of whoever ingested the poison if it is not too late. (Once the poison reaches the bloodstream, that would no longer work.)

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Mosquito killer is poisonous. While you do not specify a specific bug killer, it is a poison and can kill a human if used in any manner that it is not intended for.

Does scratching poison ivy and then touching others transfer it?

Yes. Dont scratch makes it worst.

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well, if you treat it now the mono poison will go into your bloodstream, and travel to your brain and paralyze you.

What are red puffy spots on your neck chest and legs?

They might be poison ivy,Mosquito bites,pimples,or dry skin.

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It starts out as poison ivy. When you scratch it, it then becomes Indian fire.

What are poison ivy?

Some symptoms are red skin and bumps forming on your skin and you may have an urge to scratch.

Can mosquito's cause anemia?

Mosquitoes don't cause anaemia, but they do carry the malaria parasite which can cause anaemia. Therefore, if you are bitten by a mosquito that is carrying malaria and get infected, you may develop anaemia (with other symptoms of malaria).

Why is poison not harmful to a snake?

Most snake venoms need to get directly into the bloodstream to work. Snakes keep their venom in an isolated sac. If they get any into their mouths, it is swallowed and digested to harmless substances, so the toxin doesn't get into the bloodstream. It is also thought that, to some extent, snakes have natural antivenom in their systems.

How do mosquito spread dengue fever?

they suck a person blood who is infected and then bite someone who is healthy