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The comma would come after it.

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Q: When you use an asterisk to denote a footnote does a comma go before or after it?
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Does a period or comma come before the footnote?

A period should come before the footnote at the end of a sentence, while a comma should not.

Such as a comma b and c or a comma b comma and c People say the last comma before and is not necessary?

last comma before the and is not necessary

Is there a comma before and after the word or?

the comma would be before Or In A Sentencee. =]

Do you use a comma before Jr?

Yes, you should use a comma before "Jr." when writing a person's name to separate the person's last name from the suffix. For example, "John Smith, Jr."

Here is the sentence - Blah blah blah and as he says open quote blah blah exclamation mark close quote footnote period Is the punctuation correct?

no you need a comma before the open quotations and I'm not sure what you mean be footnote, but you probably don't need a period at the end of your sentence

Comma before or after the word but?

It is usually appropriate to place a comma before "but." One should not use a comma after "but."

Is there a comma after but?

no. if but before is a sentence on its on and after but is a sentence on its own then put a comma before but.

Does an comma go before or after 'so'?

An comma goes before so

Does a comma go before the word in?

No, a comma does not go before the word 'in'.

Do you put a comma before or?

The comma goes after.

Do you put a comma before or after a conjunction?

You typically place a comma before a conjunction when it separates two independent clauses. If the conjunction connects two words or phrases, a comma is not necessary.

Do you write comma before and?

Not necessarily. There is no word in English that requires a comma after it or before it.