

Where are all the physics formulae?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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There are thousands of formulae used in physics. Some of the more useful ones are:

Newton's second law: F=ma (Many others can be derived from this one)

Kinematic equations: x=vt; v=at=v0; v2=v02+2ax; x=1/2at2+v0t

Centripetal force: F=mv2/r

Gravitational Force: F=GMm/r2

Kepler's Law of Periods: T2=4(pi)2r3/GM

Electrostatic Force: F=KQQ/r2

Electric Field Strength: E=KQ/r2

Voltaic Potential: V=kQ/r

Capacitance: Q=CV

Circuits: V=iR; P=iV

RC Circuits: I=I0e-t/RC There are many more, but you would be best suited to learn them from a physics textbook or teacher rather than finding them all on wikianswers. If you search for the specific area of formulae you are looking for, you should find formulae relevant to them.

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