

Best Answer

You can't. The real climate is far too complex to be modelled with the information that we have today. Attempts to model climate fall short of any meaningful results. Modellers freely admit that they aren't even close to getting a handle on cloud formation and how it might affect warming.

  • prepare some homes. with dark shaded roofs
  • one or two mills producing dark dusty puffs
  • some dried plants and trees
  • dirty ponds
  • you can burn some wastage
  • at the time of presentation
  • in side of the mill
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Q: Where can you find a science working model of global warming?
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You can make a model that shows what global warming has done to different ecosystems. You can also make a model of some trash and use that in a speech about landfills.

How do you make a working model on environmental issues and concerns?

You can make a model that shows what global warming has done to different ecosystems. You can also make a model of some trash and use that in a speech about landfills.

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