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Afrikaners are an ethnically distinct group of descendants of European settlers, arriving in modern day South Africa on and after 16 April 1652. Their mother tongue is Afrikaans, their predominant religion is Afrikaner Calvinism and they identify with the Afrikaner culture. The vast majority of Afrikaners came, in various waves, from the Netherlands and their language, Afrikaans, is based on Dutch.

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17y ago
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14y ago

While they have revised this history several times over the last decades, researchers currently agree that the oldest named species of the genus Homo, Homo habilis, evolved in Africa around two million years ago, and that members of the genus migrated out of Africa somewhat later, at least 1.5 million years ago. The descendants of these ancient migrants, which probably included Homo erectus, have become known through fossils uncovered far from Africa, such as those of "Peking man" and "Java man". Homo neanderthalensis is also considered a descendant of early migrants. Maybe the proper question would be; "How did the other races evolved from the Africans?" Ham, Noah's son. It's been proven beyond any reasonable doubt anthropologically, archeologically, geographically, historically and genetically, that Native Black Africans were the 1st humans created by God. Therefore, Native Black Africans came from, and were created in, God's image. The idea that Native Black Africans are direct decendants of Ham is incomplete and partically based on racial bias. If Ham was black, his parents had to be black. Black parents/genes are the only parents/genes that can produce a black offspring. The black gene/man/race extends far beyond Ham. We go all the way back to the creator, GOD. An alternate point of view: Perhaps truth is stranger than faction, who knows? But what I will suggest is based on deductive reasoning and not a self centered belief. If we consider evolution as being real then this is one explanation. If we descended from Africans or from a more primitive animal originated in Africa. This would support the evolutionary theory but does not explain why the black man is still on the earth. Under this theory they should have faded out in the course of the evolution, having been removed from the global gene pool. Obviously this creates a void of an unreasonable conclusion and likely evolution is not correct. If we consider a creation point of view then we can allow for a wider ranger of occurrences through out human history. Let's assume most religious scripts are more truth than stories. I don't mean the crazy ones like aliens or other demonical nutty idea's or some kind of drug induced fantasy. I mean the older more stable histories, such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity, various oriental histories, etc. Considering these common presentations we can assume that the black man was more likely a curse on humanity. Either cursed for their own sake or cursed to become a plague on the earthly society. We know that Cain was marked in one instance. We know that Ham was cursed. We know that one of the patriarchs were cursed. We know the people present during the tower of babel were cursed. In any one of these occasions the black man could have been made. I personally believe it was the tower of babel but I can not scientifically prove it. Either way, if we take history into account and all the things that happened with the black race. You can see there is an evident curse, not only to themselves but to the entire global society. THE END RESULT OF ACTUAL DEDUCTIVE REASONING. Unfortunately, there are those who will misuse the concept of deductive reasoning in a futile attempt to circumvent the facts. FACT 1-the 1st humans were Black and originated in Africa. FACT 2-all other races are variations of the original black race. This came about primary as a result of prolonged exposure to varying climatic conditions, and certain other secondary factors. FACT 3-recessive traits cannot produce dominant traits. FACT 4-Only dominant traits can produce both recessive and dominant traits. FACT 5-The Black gene is the most dominant and adaptable gene in the entire human gene pool. The White gene is the least adaptable and the most recessive gene in the human gene pool. Therefore, how can anyone absorb these facts, use deductive reasoning, and still believe the most genetically dominant and adaptable gene in the human gene pool could/should be rendered extinct by more recessive less adaptable genes? If the first humans were Black, and since the bible says God made man in his image, what does deductive reasoning tell you about God? These are the results one gets when deductive reasoning is applied inintellegently, with the goal of seeking facts, as apposed to attempting to justify preconceived self-serving notions that aren't supported by any facts.

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13y ago

The Boers came from South Africa. A boer is is the Dutch and Afrikaans word for farmer, which came to denote the descendants of the Dutch-speaking settlers of the eastern Cape frontier in Southern Africa during the 18th century, as well as those who left the Cape Colony during the 19th century to settle in the Orange Free State, Transvaal

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11y ago

The Boers are descended from Dutch settlers in South africa, so originally, the Boers came from the Netherlands(Holland)

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