

Where did Demeter live?

Updated: 9/11/2023
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10y ago

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Demeter lives on Mount Olympus.

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Q: Where did Demeter live?
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Where did the greek godess Demeter live?

Demeter lived on Mount Olympus.

When did Demeter live?

demeter has been living before the world...see more

What city does Demeter live in?

The Greek goddess Demeter lived on Mount Olympus.

When did the goddess Demeter live?

Demeter was born at the begining of time like all the gods.

Demeter was the goddess of?

Demeter is the goddess of fertility, and grain

How long did the goddess Demeter live?

Gods and Goddesses are the "Deathless Ones".

How old did Demeter the goddess live for?

The ancient Greeks believed that gods and goddesses are immortal; therefore, according to Greek mythology, the goddess Demeter lived forever.

Where did goddess Demeter live?

Sh lived with Noone and she lived on mount Olympus.

Why did Demeter live on mount Olympus?

because that is where other gods and goddesses lived

What are facts about Demeter the goddess of harvest?

Demeter was the most generous of the great Olympian goddesses.She is the goddess of the harvest. Demeter provides all the nutrients on earth and is the mother of the earth ..The earth can not live without Demeter allowing its seeds to grow . She is the goddess of the harvest. Demeter is particularly prominent in the Greek legend of the abduction of her daughter Persephone (Kore) by the underworld god Hades. Distraught at her loss, Demeter neglected her duties as a vegetation while she searched for her daughter.

Did Demeter live in the underworld?

Demeter did not live in the underworld. She was one of the Olympian goddesses and was associated with agriculture, fertility, and the harvest. Persephone, Demeter's daughter, spent part of the year in the underworld with Hades, which led to the changing of the seasons.

Did Persephone leave Demeter?

Persephone didn't leave Demeter intentionally. She was kidnapped by Hades and is trapped to live in the Underworld for 6 months a year because she ate 6 pomegranate seeds.