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Answer S.E. Hinton had a friend who went through something like this (being jumped) and S. E. Hinton didn't like it so she thought that if she could publish a book about it or related to it, everyone would know and understand what her friend went through. Her friend's name was Jimmy, and if you look at the book, it is dedicated to Jimmy.
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14y ago
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1mo ago

S.E. Hinton's inspiration for writing The Outsiders came from her desire to tell a story that accurately depicted the lives of teenagers growing up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She wanted to address issues of class conflict, violence, and friendship in a way that resonated with young readers. Additionally, Hinton was motivated by her own experiences and observations of the social dynamics in high school.

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8y ago

She was actually fifteen when she first began it. It was the year she was sixteen and a junior in high school that she did the majority of the work (that year she made a D in creative writing). One day a friend of hers was walking home from school and these "nice" kids jumped out of a car and beat him up because they didn't like his being a greaser. This made her mad and she just went home and started pounding out a story about this boy who was beaten up while he was walking home from the movies--the beginning of The Outsiders. She was just something to let off steam. She didn't have any grand design. She just sat down and started writing it.

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8y ago

From an interview with S.E. Hinton:

One day a friend of mine was walking home from school and these "nice" kids jumped out of a car and beat him up because they didn't like his being a greaser. This made me mad and I just went home and started pounding out a story about this boy who was beaten up while he was walking home from the movies--the beginning of The Outsiders. I was just something to let off steam. I didn't have any grand design. I just sat down and started writing it. I look back and I think it was totally written in my subconscious or something.

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14y ago

She saw that exact thing when she was a kid. They were even called Socs and Greasers!

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Q: What was S.E. Hinton's inspiration for writing The Outsiders?
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