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Yes, that is why there are JackO'laterns at Halloween using pumpkins. When the Irish immigrants came to the colonies they began to use the pumpkin instead of a turnip for the lantern as they did in Ireland.

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Pumpkins are indegenous to all the 50 states.

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Q: Did pumpkins originate from America
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What country did pumpkins originate?

The name originates from Greek 'pepon' meaning large melon. The oldest evidence of Pumpkins is about 7000 years BC from seeds found in Mexico and parts of North America

Which region in the world do Pumpkins originate from?

north america Pumpkins are indigenous to North America, where they have grown for over 5,000 years Native north America grew and harvested pumpkins. They ate roasted pumpkin and used dried strips of pumpkin to weave mats. Indians offered Spanish explorers pumpkin seeds as a peace offering. Cabeza de Vaca reported seeing pumpkins growing in Florida in 1528 and French explorer Jacques Cartier spotted pumpkins near the St. Lawrence region of Canada in 1584.

Where did pumpkins origanate from?

pumpkins originated from North America

Where are pumpkins from?

according to, pumpkins were originally from Central America.

Where did the tradition of carving pumpkins into Jack-O-Lanterns originate?

Which area of America grows the largest pumpkins?

Which area grows the largest pumpkins?

Where did pumpkins came from?

north America

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Which is the mother land of pumpkins?


Where did pumpkins oringinate?

Pumpkins, like most varieties of squash, are native to North America.

Where did pumpkins first come from?

The pumpkin actually originated from the country of Mexico. There is historical evidence that dated between 7000 and 5500 BC and discovered in Mexico.

Which country is the largest producers of pumpkins?

America (Illinois)