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Q: Where do I find information on Darwin speaking on how evolution doesn't answer all the questions about how we got here?
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Where can one find information on the theory of evolution?

Information on the theory of evolution can be found in the original book on the theorem of evolution by natural selection, the brainchild of Charles Darwin, called "On the origin of species".

What is Evolution according to Charles Darwin?


Who understands evolution better then Darwin?

Darwin didn't fully understand evolution he came up with the theory.

How did Darwin influence modern views of evolution?

how has Charles Darwin influenced people about modern views of evolution

What mechanism did Charles Darwin believe caused evolution?

Natural Selection is what Darwin believed was the cause of evolution.

Who is associated with evolution?

Charles Robert Darwin, though evolution was already known. Darwin came up with an explanation for evolution. Called the theory of evolution by natural selection.

What scientist suggested that organisms slowly acquired physical characteristics?

Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. Strictly speaking, Charles Darwin did not put forward the "theory of evolution". He publish a book called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection OR The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". The theory of evolution had been around for a long time, in fact, his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, had proposed evolution 75 years before Charles published his book. Charles Darwin gave us the driving force for evolution - Natural Selection. There had been suggestions for evolution and evidence in fossils well before Charles Darwin. It is just that nobody could work out why until Charles.

What was the hypothesis that was proposed by Darwin?

Darwin invented the theory of evolution

What are the definitions of Darwin's theory of evolution?

Darwin only had one theory of evolution, and he defined it in his book On The Origin of Species.

Darwin's theory of evolution by natural?

Evolution by natural selection.

Who gave the theory of evolution?

There is no " theory of evolution " as evolution is a fact. The theory is; the theory of evolution by natural selection and explains much about the fact of evolution. Charles Robert Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace come up with the theory of evolution by natural selection, though natural selection is a phrase coined by Darwin.