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No foxes, including the gray fox, hibernate, estivate or migrate.

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Q: Where do gray foxes go to hibernate?
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Related questions

What do gray foxes do in the winter?

The gray fox does not hibernate in winter and remains active all year long.

What do gray foxes do during winter?

The gray fox does not hibernate in winter and continues much the same routine as during the warmer months.

Do fennec foxes hibernate?

No they do not hibernate.

How does a swift fox get ready for its hibernation?

Swift foxes do not hibernate. No foxes hibernate.

Do gray foxes migrate?

Gray foxes have to move to find food, shelter, mates...basically they have to move to survive. They may change the location of their den if they feel threatened or if they feel their kits (babies) are threatened. It may also just simply be time for a new den. Wild animals move around quite a bit, especially females with young. Larger predators who could potentially kill the young have a harder time finding the mother and her little ones that way.

Do grey headed flying foxes hibernate in winter?

I don't think any kind of foxes hibernate

Do foxes hibernate and how long?

There is no species of fox that hibernates.

What month does a fox hibernate?

Foxes are not known to hibernate. They are year round hunters. The only time they return to their den is after mating.

Does the fennec fox hibernate?

Some. Not all. Fennecs, and I think reds, don't.

Does a fennec fox hibernate?

As hibernation means sleeping for the winter, it is unlikely. Fennec foxes live in the deserts of North Africa.

How do gray foxes raise their young?

Gray foxes have their kits in the spring, usually April or May.

How do common gray foxes reproduce?

Gray foxes reproduce sexually, as do all mammals.