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The original booklet Take a Stand Against Drugs can be found at the below referenced site:

However, it should be noted that the BSA has revamped the Drug Awareness program and now uses a pamphlet called Drugs: A Deadly Game, Choose to Refuse. The pamphlet can unofficially be found online, but the BSA would prefer you buy the pre-printed booklets from your local Scout Shop (or in order to help them cover the costs of the program.

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Q: Where do you find the webelos scout booklet Take a stand against drugs?
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MEANING OF THE WEBELOS BADGE The Webelos badge is like the emblem on your Webelos cap, except that it also has the word "Webelos" and the Scout badge. The emblem is made up of a gold Scout badge with a blue "W," for Webelos, on it. It shows that you are moving from Cub Scouting to Boy Scouting.

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Webelos are an age based section of the Cub Scouting program. Merit badges are earned only by Boy Scouts and there are no pins.A number of Webelos awards are emblems that are pinned onto the uniform:Activity Badges, worn on the Webelos colors or the front of the Webelos capCompass points, worn on the Webelos compass points emblemArrow of Light, worn below the left pocket

Where can you find the cub scout pamphlet Take A Stand Against Drugs?

Probably on I don't know if it on there, but chances are that it is. Added: The "Take a Stand Against Drugs" pamphlet has been replaced with "Drugs: A Deadly Game/Choose to Refuse." To the best of my knowledge, this is not available in electronic format on the web. You should be able to get them from your local scout store, or see the related link.

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A group of boys in the same grade is called a Den. The leader of the division is called a Den Leader. When the boys are in the fourth and fifth grades, they are called Webelos. Then the division leader is called a Webelos Leader. The person in charge of all of the dens (including Webelos dens) is called the Cub Master or Assistant Cub Master. Then over that is the Committee and the Committee Chair.Cub Masters, who would be assisted by Assistant Cub Masters.

What are the levels within the Cub Scouts?

Scout, Tenderfoot second class, First Class, Star, Life, Eagle.

What are all the ranks of Scouts of America including Cubs and Eagles?

Depends on the area, but the most common is Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Scout, Tenderfoot, 2nd class, 1st class, Star, Life, Eagle.

Where is the list of things you need for Girl Scout camp?

A list of things needed for Girl Scout camp should be given/mailed to you when you register for the camp or it might be listed in the camp registration/information booklet or on the Girl Scout council's web site for the camp you are attending.

What Indian tribe uses the word webelos?

No native American language features that word. It is a modern contraction of "We'll be loyal scouts" used by the Boy Scout movement in the USA (the home of meaningless abbreviations) and has no connection with any native language.

How many badges are there for a Cub Scout?

That will depend a lot on what you consider a badge. There are 6 rank badges - Bobcat, Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear, Webelos and Arrow of Light. In the Wolf and Bear years arrow points can be earned for doing electives. Any number can be earned but earning more than 7 or 8 is not common. There are 53 belt loops and 53 corresponding pins. In the Webelos years there are 20 activity badges and the compass points emblem and 3 pins. There are also numerous other awards such as the Summertime Activity Award, the Outdoor Activity Award, the Cub Scout World Conservation Award, the Leave No Trace award and religious emblems. There are also other special patches and badges that can be earned through different programs and activities.

Should using drugs qualify for dismissal from Boy Scouts?

Depending on the scenario. Using drugs at a Scouting event is grounds for dismissal (in fact, a Scout from my troop was expelled from the program for possession at a camping trip). Using drugs in and of itself, although not excusable, is not grounds; that said, if the Scoutmaster is concerned, he may have a Scoutmaster Conference with the Scout.

Who was working against Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Bob Ewell was working against Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird. He held a grudge against Atticus Finch and targeted his children, including Scout, in his attempts to seek revenge. Bob Ewell was responsible for accusing Atticus's client, Tom Robinson, of a crime he did not commit.

Are Girl Scout Brownies the equivalent of Cub Scouts?

Not quite, the Cub Scouts cover grades 1 through 5 and are divided into 5 ranks (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos 1, and Webelos 2). The Brownies are part of the Girl Scouts and only cover grades 2 & 3. In order to get the Cub Scout equivalent of the Girl Scouts, you would have to include Daisies (grades K & 1), Brownies (grades 2 & 3) and Juniors (grades 4, & 5). In addition: The two programs are completely different. There is a shared history and the pledge/promise, law, and motto are similar, but each organization has designed its own program for the levels in their organization.