

Where does it say x or y on the ultrasound scan?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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yes it is in structure welding

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Q: Where does it say x or y on the ultrasound scan?
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Let F(x,y) = y - x^3 Note that (-x)^3 = -(x^3) This suggests that F(-x,-y) = -F(x,y) (-x,-y) represents the point (x,y) reflected through the origin. You could say the function F has anti-point symmetry -- each point (x,y,F) is reflected through the origin at (-x, -y, -F).

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If x goes into y with a remainder of zero, then we say that y is divisible by x or y is a multiple of x.

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I would say "contains", but that mat be a personal thing.

What is y in y equals x sin wt?

Without additional information, one can only say that y is a function of x, w and t.