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Well if you dont sleep you will be cranky and have rings around your eyes so if you do sleep you would look better

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Q: Where does the phrase beauty sleep come from?
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What does 'get your beauty sleep' mean?

Beauty sleep is an age-old term for a good night's sleep or a very long sleep.

Have to have a beauty rest or have to have beauty rest?

Its " Im going to get some beauty sleep"

Where does the phrase at the end of the day come from?

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Where does the phrase at end of the day come from?

someone who'd obviously had a very bad sleep the night before!

Who wrote 'To think perchance to dream'?

I think you're thinking of this phrase in Hamlet's "To be or not to be" soliloquy: "To die, to sleep; / To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; / For in that sleep of death what dreams may come . . ."

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Where did chip sleep in Beauty and the Beast?

The cupboard

Why is owls sleeping in the morning?

They is trying to get beauty sleep.

What are some phrases that demonstrate the point 'beauty does not last'?

One such phrase is "beauty is only skin deep."

What is the equivalent phrase in the Tamil language for the English proverb 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'?

beauty is in the eye of beholder

What is the phrase 'did you sleep well' when translated from English to Indonesian?

The phrase 'did you sleep well' in Indonesian is apakah kamu tidur nyenyak?In word by word translation: 'did' is apakah, 'you' is kamu, 'sleep' is tidur, and 'well' (as in sleep well) is nyenyak.

What does the phrase sleep tight mean?

The phrase sleep tight means that an individual is affectionately hoping another person has a good sleep. It is often used in a rhyme such as "sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite".