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She was a tour guide with Day Tripper.

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Q: Where has Pat Brown been before she returned to Channel 10 weather newascaster in San Diego?
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Where does all the water eventually end up before it is returned to the air?

The oceans

What weather happens before a tsunami?

No weather in particular. Tsunamis are completely unrelated to the weather. Most tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes, which are not weather, but the triggering earthquake may be too far away to be felt.

What was the weather like before Paricutin erupted?

Wet and windy

Did weather and Paquito fight before?

I don't know if they had a fight or not

Why is the weather so unstable?

Currents of warm or cold air are constantly flowing, driving various weather fronts before them.

Related questions

What are signs of a warm front?

Cool weather the day before than it will be moist yet warm, or you can just go look on the weather channel.

What happened to the Weather Channel lineup?

The Weather Channel has been in a dispute with DirecTV and they have agreed to come back to them. However, they also agreed to change some things about their broadcasting before returning: they have reduced the reality shows by 50% during the weekdays, they have reintroduced instant local weather and they have also agreed to allow DirecTV clients to watch the Weather Channel on multiple devices.

How many ships did the axis use on d-day?

The Axis, in this case, the Kriegsmarine, used less than 60 ships on D-Day. These were some E-boats and some minesweepers operating from Cherbourg. Due to heavy weather in the Channel, they returned to shelter before any significant action.

What is the birthplace of Alexandra Steele?

Alexandra Steele hails from Albany, NY. Before hr current position at CNN, Ms. Steele worked at The Weather Channel, and before that on "Good Morning America" on WABC.

What do weather forcasts do before makeing a forcast?

before making a forcast forcasters predict the weather and make a weather map.

Was Kelly Clarkson on Disney Channel?

no she has never been on Disney channel before

Where was Napoleon Bonaparte before he returned to France?


When did you start naming winter storms?

The weather channel will introduce this concept for the winter season of 2012-13. It will name each storm 2-3 days before it hits a large population center.

Was Churchill bust in White House returned to British?

Yes it was. It was scheduled to be returned before Obama took office, but it fell to Obama to see that it was carried out. It was returned in Feb. 2009.

Did Rhonda Walker work for channel 2 news?

Yes, before she went to channel 4

When did Julius Caesar come to Britain with an army?

Julius Caesar came to Britain twice with an army. The first time was on the 26th August 55 BC, but he had to leave when bad weather stopped reinforcements from making the crossing of the Channel and damaged some of the ships he arrived in. The second time was on the 7th July 54 BC, he was more successful this time, but still had to deal with bad weather destroying over 40 of the ships. Revolts in Gaul, forced Caesar and his legions to leave Britain in September 54 BC, and 97 years were to pass before the Romans returned.

What do forecasters do before making a forecast?

Before making a weather forecast, weather forecasters "get in touch with the weather". They look at the weather that has happened in the past 24 hours. They look at the current weather. They look at local weather and weather for the whole hemisphere. They look for patterns in the weather. They use tools such as satellite, radar, and surface maps, to help them predict the weather. They also look at computer models of the weather. They collaborate with other meteorologists. Then they make their forecast!