

Where in the Caribbean can gay people live?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Where in the Caribbean can gay people live?
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How gay people live Georgia?

Gay people live in Georgia the same way straight people live in Georgia.

Do lots of people live on the Caribbean?

Just under 40 million people reside in the Caribbean.

How do people fall in the gay life style?

There is no such thing as a gay life style. This is an out-dated term for gay people who do not live in the closet. Today, we know that being gay is an orientation, not a life style. Gay people live the same kinds of lives that non-gay people live.

Do gay people live in Hawaii?

yes they do. Gay people live in Every city of every state.

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Yes gay people live in Antarctica all over the world.

Do gay people live in roxbury?

Yes, Gay people live in Roxbury. They also live withing binocular range of your house.

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Carib, Island Carib, or Kalinago people,(after whom the Caribbean was named), are a group of people who live in the Lesser Antilles islands in the Caribbean.

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tainos and caribs

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How many gay people live in texas?

if 3.5-4% of the population is gay, that means there are about 900,000 gay people in Texas.

First people to live in Caribbean islands?

caribs and the arawaks

Who were the first set of people to live in the Caribbean?

stone age