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Q: Where in the iliad does it say Zeus was the most powerful?
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How was Zeus trianed?

The myths say that Zeus was not trained. It was said that one of Cronus's(Zeus's father) son would be more powerful than Cronus. Therefore Zeus was "born" powerful, not because he was trained.

Who is better Zeus or hades?

I wold never say that one god is "better" than another. Zeus, however, is the most powerful of the gods, making him stronger than Hades.

Who was the most important ancient Greek god or goddess?

Here are the Greek gods in alphabetical order:AphroditeApolloAresArtemisAthenaDemeterDionysusHadesHephaestusHeraHermesPoseidonZeuz

Are Aphrodite and Zeus brother and sister?

No. Some myths say that Zeus was Aphrodite's father, but most say she was born from the sea foam.

Was Saturn more powerful than Zeus?

Well, Saturn/Kronos was overthrown by Zues/Jupiter, so i would say no.

How do you say most powerful in Japanese?

You may say "ichiban tsuyoi."

What women was unsuccessfully courted by Zeus?

Well most would say Hera, but technically she was married to Zeus, but it was unsuccessfull. But there is also Lysithea.

Where does king Neptune live?

Neptune lived in the sea, as he was the god of the seas. He spent more time in the water then on Mt. Olympus, even though he was the second most powerful, after Zeus/Jupiter. Some people say he lived in the Mediterranean.

Was Helen of troy a daughter of Zeus?

No, she is a mortal (Non-god) very beautiful princess.

How do you say Zeus in Roman?

Jupiter is Roman for Zeus

What did Albert Einstein say was the most powerful force?

Einstein said that the most powerful force is the Strong Nuclear Force, thus the adjective 'strong'.

What were Zeus' events in the story odyssey?

Zeus was the Greek king of gods. The Odyssey includes everything in the Iliad and of Odysseus's journey home. So pretty much imagine all of one story and then all of the next story. Zeus didn't have any major roles with helping or hurting Odysseus in the Odyssey so I wouldn't say he really have any events. The only thing I can remember Zeus doing was making Calypso release Odysseus from her island so he could come home.