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HIV- Human immunodeficiency virus is an incurable virus that replicates within human cells. It can lay dormant for many years without you showing symptoms. Its known as a retro virus as once its in the cell it unwinds the DNA strands and changes the genetic coding

in helper T cells

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6y ago

Most commonly, people get or transmit HIV through sexual behaviors and needle or syringe use. It invades the immune system, mainly the CD4 T cells.

HIV then replicates by infecting activated CD4 T cells, which then produce copies of the virus and eventually die of programmed cell death, or apoptosis.

But if that were all they could easily be replaced by resting cells, which make up 95% of the targets encountered by the invading virus. Instead, the resting cells also die, in what is called a "vicious pathological cycle."

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How does HIV spread through the body?

replicating inside the cells of the immune system.

Once HIV enters the body it enters where?

When you get infected with HIV, the virus enters your blood and gets inside your cells that are floating around

Can HIV live in Coca Cola?

No, HIV can't live in Coca-Cola. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that causes AIDS. HIV can only live inside the human body and dies shortly after being exposed to air. HIV is a STD (sexually transmitted disease).

Can you get HIV if someone bleed inside of you but they dont have HIV?

No. In order to contract HIV you would also have to have had contact with their blood or semen.

What does HIV target the production of?

helper T cells

Is aids a form of cancer?

No. HIV is a virus which invades from outside the body. Cancer is one's own cells inside the body which grow uncontrollably.

Can the HIV virus live outside the human body in fluids if not smeared?

Yes, infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate or breast milk.

Do you have AIDS if blood comes out your penis?

That depends on a variety of things going on inside your body. You'll need an HIV test to find out.

What types of sex can pass on hiv?

Vaginal, anal and oral. Everything you do so bodily fluids can end up inside your body.

What do pathogens do in an HIV comprised immune system?

grow and multiply

Can your own body give you HIV through pre-ejaculate or what?

No. HIV is only transmitted through body fluids from someone infected with HIV.

Can HIV leave the body?

No, there are no known cases of complete HIV remission.