

Where is powder kept?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Where is powder kept?
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On standing in the open air bleaching powder react with carbon dioxide produce chlorine gas. As a result the activity or bleaching property of bleaching powder is reduced. So it is kept in a closed container.

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To take the moisture out of your playing cards, you may use fanning powder or talcum powder. Playing cards can also be kept in the fridge.

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About 2 - 3 years if pure protein powder without fat and kept in storage that don't exceed room temperatures. -- The Professor

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spots , she absolutly hated them and as this was the time when they introduced face powder to cover them up she kept wearing it

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Wheatgrass should be kept in a cool, dry place. Refrigeration is not mandatory but it helps preserve its freshness.

How long does baking power stay fresh?

For a good long time if it is kept properly stored. Here is a test you can use to make sure your baking powder is usable . Put water in a teaspoon and sprinkle a little bit of the baking powder in the water. If your baking powder is good the water will fizz sort of like a soda does. if you don't hear or see the fizz then baking powder is no good and should be tossed out.

Can someone with chrones disease use protein powder in a fruit shake without it upsetting the bowels?

I have had chrones disease since I was first diagnosed with it at the age of 17 and I have kept working out and taking protein powder. I just stay away from the things like creatine. In short though, yes whey protein powder can be used if you have chrones with no consequence.

How long can black powder be safely stored?

So long as it is in a cool dry place you can store for years. Unopened cans are less susceptible to moisture and store better, but I have powder that is more than 5 years old that I still use. It is kept in a humidity controlled 72 degree room and within a powder magazine. I also have powder that is 10+ years that is sealed, but still quite viable judging by the pound used last year.

Does canaries cause gnats?

If the cage is kept clean all the time and devoid of rotting fruit etc. with de-lousing powder on the floor of the cage this should stop the gnats and flies.

How do you remove the powder from a powder horn?

Remove the cap of the powder horn and the powder will come out

what can be dispersed by water?

Examples: coffee powder, cocoa powder, cocos powder, carob powder etc.

Is baby powder and borax powder the same?

Baby powder is based on talc ( talcum powder). Borax powder is used as a laundry and cleaning product .