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Tropospheric (ground level) ozone as smog is formed where ever NOx (produced by internal combustion priimarily), VOC (unburned fuel in cities, plant and animal exudents rurally), and purple or more energetic light from the Sun interact. So it is formed right where cars / trucks / buses / ships / trains (for the most part) and their exhaust travels. ---- Smog is not all ozone.

Originally smog was a combination word for "smoke and fog" frequently seen in cities where coal was burned (e.g. London England.) The name was then applied in the 1950's to what is more technically called photochemical smog.

This mixtures is caused when sunlight acts on a mixture of hydrocarbons (VOCs)and NOx in the air to produce ground level ozone and a number of other unpleasant compounts., Photochemical smog can include the following: * nitrogen oxides * tropospheric ozone * volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Photochemical smog is often seen downwind of large cities where the exhaust from cars and other sources have had time to mix in the presence of sunlight

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Q: Where is the harmful form of ozone that can be seen as smog formed?
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What are harmful effects of ozone?

The harmful effects of ozone are seen at ground level. Ozone acts as a pollutant there.

What are all are the harmful effects of Ozone layer?

The ozone layer (stratospheric ozone) is highly beneficial to life on Earth with no harmful effects. Ozone itself, though, is toxic to humans and is formed in car exhaust, faulty electrical equipment and lightening. Stratospheric ozone is sometimes downwashed into the troposphere as the jet stream passes over mountains giving higher than expected groundlevel readings in areas where there is no urba/industrial impact.

Can the ozone layer be seen from the earth?

No, ozone layer can not be seen from the earth. It is just a transparent blanket of thin air.

What man-made object or material contains ozone-O3?

"Officially" only ozone contains ozone. I have seen a substance formed in chilled vegetable oil, that when heated slightly, released ozone gas. They are called ozonides, however these are in the laboratory long chains of hydrocarbons with ozone sort of stuck in between two polymer chains. A sort of "permanent" chemical change.

What is the colour of the Ozone layer?

Ozone is light blue in color. It can be seen from the satellites.

What makes scientists think that ozone layer disappearng?

There have been various experiments measuring the ozone layer. The ozone over the poles is seen to have depleted.

Children's Antarctica -consequences of ozone layer depletion?

Antarctica has seen the ozone hole. It is because of the cool weather there.

Is Hades harmful?

Hades can be harmful if he is angered. But he is seen as a very just God.

What are the man made chemicals that destorys ozone?

Man made chemicals are many. But the ones that were seen to destroy ozone were CFC's.

Can you i see the ozone layer?

Ozone has an absorption band in the range of blue. It is not very strong, but it will contribute a bit to the blue coloration of the sky, even at the very low concentrations in our atmosphere. Beyond this, we visualize the ozone layer by using satellites and looking at the absorption / reflection / emission of UV light at different places above Earth's surface.

Where is the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere diminshing the most?

Ozone layer is diminishing most over poles. It has been seen in Antarctica.

Why people don't believe in the ozone layer?

People do not believe in ozone layer as they haven't seen it. It is located far above in atmosphere.