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Idk i live in mt Juliet a city outside Nashville there r gangs in my city like black rose g's black n red mt Juliet varrio evil minded lokotes 13 black 52 hoover gangster crips blue n orange I'm a lokote al my frnds r in these gangs varrio means hood in spanish lokotes mean psychos in spanish

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Q: Where is the Nashville crip gang located?
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What gang is method man in?

He was a crip . That's for sure

Dedrick D Gobert is or not a crip gang member?

well he apeared in gang movies so yes he was a crip

When was the Crip Alliance created?

The Crip Alliance was created by the Crips gang in Los Angeles, Cali in 1969. The Crip Alliance are rivals of gangs under the Blood Alliance, such as the Bloods gang, Pirus gang, and the Brims gang. SIDE NOTES: Gangs in the Crip Alliance wear the color blue. the Crips gang is NOT in the Folk Nation, they are in the Crip Alliance.

What is the Crip Alliance?

The Crip Alliance is an alliance in which ALL Crip sets are under. The Crip Alliance was created by the Crips gang in the 1960's in Los Angeles, Cali. The reason for creating this alliance was to unite all Crip gangs. SIDE NOTES: The Crips gang is NOT in the Folk Nation, neither are they in the United Crip Nation. The Crips gang is in the Crip Alliance.

What does crip really mean?

Crip, as in the crip gang stands for Community Residence In Progress.

What is Eight Trey Gangster Crip?

it's a crip set It means 83rd Street Gangster Crip. Also a set. A set is a faction with in the whole gang itself, seeing that the "Crip" gang is nation wide.

What are crip gang beliefs?


What does Rollin 30 crip mean?

It's a crip set, or gang of crips.

What is a six star general in a crip gang?

There is no such thing as a six star general in the Crip gang. The Crips gang is NOT a Folk Nation gang, the Crips gang is a gang under the Crip Alliance. Therefore they don't rep any six point stars.