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Found in the southern states like south of Connecticut on the coast.

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Q: Where is the sweet gum tree grown?
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What are facts about the sweet gum tree?

When a sweetgum tree is cut a sweet sap is released from the tree. When early Spanish settlers noticed this sweet amber sap, they began calling this tree the sweetgum tree.

What is this sea urchin looking tree ball?

Sweet gum tree.

When should you poison a sweet gum tree?


How do you keep the fruit of a sweet gum tree from growing?


Sweet Gum Trees bloomime?

The sweet gum tree blooms in the spring time. Its bloom colors are green and yellow. This tree can grow to a height that is between 50 to 75 feet.

What sweet can be made from sap of the south American sapodilla tree?

Chewing Gum.The tree is also known as the chewing gum tree.

What kind of tree produces gumballs?

sweet gum trees produce gumballs

Are the fruit of a sweet gum tree toxic to dogs if eaten?

there us no fruit in a sweet gum i would know i live on a street with dozens o them Actually, the spiky things that fall off the tree are called fruit. None of the tree is poisonous, but just annoying.

Is there something that can pick up the fruit of the sweet gum tree?

There is a company that makes a machine to pick the sweet gum balls up. It is called Baganut. They are an investment but they WORK. Their website is

What is a spiny ball?

If it is from a tree it could be a Sweet Gum Ball (the fruit of a sweet gum tree, not edible). I've heard a few people call it a spiny ball or spikey ball. It might also be a chestnut tree burr, a buckeye fruit husk or from similar nut trees.

How do gum tree reproduce?

Gum trees reproduce by dropping seeds which germinate into small plants and grow into a reasonable sized tree in about 20 years. The other name for gum tree is eucalyptus tree. And no, you can't get chewing or bubblegum from gum trees. They are poisonous to eat but clear your nose if you smell them.

What type of tree has round pods with spikes?

The American Sweet Gum Tree- Liquidamber Styraciflua