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Q: Where is voodoo most practiced?
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How is Santeria practiced?

With voodoo Dolls

What state believes in voodoo a lot?

Voodoo is widely practiced in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Do hoodoo Root or Voodoo Doctors still exist in the US?

Voodoo is actively practiced in the U.S.

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Does Panama also practice voodoo and santeria?

Manuel Antonio Noriega apparently practiced voodoo but it is not a common religion in Panama.

Was Marie Laveau real voodoo practicer?

Yes. That was her religion and she practiced it.

What is the popularity of voodoo in Africa?

Voodoo, in it's purest form, is not practiced very often. Much of the principals were mixed with Christianity when Africa was colonized.

What are some festivals that ancient Ghana practiced?

The most prominent religion practiced in Ghana is the traditional worship of Nyame. Some festivals that have stemmed from this religion that are popular today are the Ghana Voodoo festival and the Apoo festival.

Do people use voodoo in the country chad?

No. Voodoo is practiced only in the Western Hemisphere, though there are some similarities between Voodoo practices and traditional tribal religious practices from all over Africa.

What countries still practice voodo?

Voodoo is practiced in many countries. Like Cuba, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, the United States (Specially in Louisianna), but Voodoo is mostly practiced in Haiti( more than half of the Haitian population practices it).

What is the official religion of Benin?

Benin has no official Religion. The most widely practiced religion in Benin is Catholicism.Here is a list of all the significant relgions practiced in Benin:CatholicismIslamVodun (also known as Voodoo)Celestial ChristianityMethodist ChristianityEckankarBaha'i Faith

What are different branches of the voodoo religion?

Many different voodoo cults flourish all over the world, and none of them are the same. Each of them have their own rituals and beliefs. The main places that voodoo is practiced are in west Africa, Haiti, And Louisiana.