

Where was wind energy found?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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13y ago

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Wind energy has been harnessed for thousands of years. Initially, the mechanical energy in wind was applied as the mechanical power for boats. It wasn't necessarily "found" anywhere in particular. This was probably followed by using windmills for pumping water and grinding grain.

There are places better suited to the erection of wind engines than other places, and we see that as wind energy "farms" continue to be constructed and brought on line. Most of the newest wind power applies the mechanical energy of the wind to the generation of electric power. Use the link below to learn more.

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WHERE IS wind energy to be found?

from the wind

Where the wind energy source is found and how it is recovered?

Wind energy is recovered by changing wind energy to electricity

Where the energy source is found and how it is recover?

Wind energy is recovered by changing wind energy to electricity

How is wind or nuclear energy found or sourced?

I'm not sure about nuclear energy, but wind energy is created when strong winds spin a wind turbine which creates energy :)

Where can wind energy be found in the us?


Why should you use wind energy?

It does not pollute the air with harmful gasesThere are many reasons to why one must use wind energy. Wind energy is the fastest growing energy sector in the United States . The main purpose of wind energy is the production of electricity. Also, Wind energy does not pollute the environment and is found in plenty.

Can wind energy be underwater?

Wind is the movement of air and will not be found under the water. However, wind is one of the causes of waves, and wave energy can be harvested, using machines that are very different from those used to harvest wind energy.

Where do you find wind energy?

Wind energy is found from cow flatulence where it is very big and strong for the wind can knock you down. The energy is then transmitted through a series of tubes that connect the wind to your home for a nice cool breeze throughout the home.

Where can you find wind energy?

Wind energy is found from cow flatulence where it is very big and strong for the wind can knock you down. The energy is then transmitted through a series of tubes that connect the wind to your home for a nice cool breeze throughout the home.

What is the cheapest energy source found in the US?

Coal Wind Oil

How is horizon wind energy beneficial to earth?

There is no clear meaning found for "horizon wind energy". However, regarding wind energy, it can be used to generate electricity. In this way wind energy is beneficial to earth because people will use less harmful sources of energy like petroleum which can cause global pollution.

What energy resources can be found in deserts?

Solar energy, geothermal energy, wind, petroleum, coal, uranium (nuclear fuel).