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* Apart from the jewels and weapons, lots of other objects were found in the burial chamber of the ship burial at Sutton Hoo. Some of them came from far away. The owner must have been very rich to bring them all the way to England. * There were 16 pieces of silver made in the Eastern Mediterranean: * ** A Byzantine silver dish (72.4 cm across) made during the Reign of Emperor Anastasius I (AD 491-518) ** A silver fluted bowl and handles ** A silver ladle. ** A small silver cup. ** 10 shallow silver bowls ** 2 silver spoons inscribed with the names of 2 Christians: 'Saul' and 'Paul' * There was a large bronze 'Coptic' bowl with handles. Coptic means that it was made in ancient Egypt. * There was a big set of drinking vessels: ** 2 big curly drinking horns . The horns probably came from big bulls called 'aurochs'. They are extinct now. ** 6 little bottles made of maplewood . ** 8 little cups made of burr-wood. ** They all had gold covered decorated silver plaques around their rims. * One of the most interesting things found was the remains of a wooden harp . This was a musical instrument. It would have been used by a minstrel when singing songs to a great lord or king. * Other objects included: ** 4 table knives with iron blades and bone handles. ** A few odd counters from an unknown board game. ** 3 bronze 'hanging bowls' on chains. ** A tub and 3 buckets. They were made of wood with iron bands to hold them together . ** 3 bronze cauldrons. One had an elaborate iron chain to hang it above a fire. ** An iron lamp. ** A pottery bottle. Most of the treasures can be seen at the British Museum.

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13y ago

There are two sites at Sutton Hoo, very close together. At one of them was a burial ship, which was undisturbed and contained quite a lot of treasures. There were still valuable things at the other, however, and these were buried in different ways and different times.

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13y ago

Sutton is a village in Suffolk, near Woodbridge. Hoo is an old word meaning the spur of a hill. Sutton Hoo is a raised area along the eastern banks of the River Deben. There is a link below.

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Sutton Hoo is a place in England, not a person. Today there is a museum there and you can view the items found in the burial grounds.

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Why is sutton hoo called sutton hoo?

Sutton is a village in Suffolk. The hoo is a spur of a hill. Sutton Hoo was the name of an estate near Sutton, and the burial site is named after that estate.

Who was the founder of the Sutton Hoo site?

There is no "founder" it is a burial site that has been found.

What was found at Sutton Hoo?

Sutton Hoo was the site of a ship burial of an important Anglo-Saxon person, possibly King Raedwald of East Anglia. The grave was found intact and undisturbed, and had a large amount of Anglo-Saxon artifacts in it, which are now in the British Museum. There is a link below to an article on Sutton Hoo.

What was the Anglo-saxon burial site called?

Sutton Hoo, Suffolk :)

Why was Sutton Hoo important in Beowulf?

There is no direct connection between Sutton Hoo and Beowulf that we know of. Sutton Hoo is the burial place of a number of Anglo-Saxon people, one of whom might have been a king of East Anglia. Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon poem about a man named Beowulf, a fictional or legendary hero of approximately the same time as the Sutton Hoo burials, who came from southern Sweden and fought a dragon in Denmark.Nevertheless, the two are connected culturally, because the treasures found at Sutton Hoo are examples of the sorts of things Beowulf might have owned and used. The result, of course, is that pictures of articles found at Sutton Hoo are often used to illustrate editions of Beowulf.

What are the things that was found in Sutton Hoo?

helmetship (whole ship)swordjewelry of various typesshieldcups, plates of goldThere was no "king" in Sutton Hoo and it was used since the 7th century so the items date to various times.

What is the mystery of Sutton Hoo?

there was silver spoons found in it and There remains a mystery surrounding the silver spoons found at Sutton Hoo. Ship burial was atraditional pagan ritual, and most items found at Sutton Hoo exhibited Scandinavian or Anglicancharacteristics. However, these spoons were inscribed with the words Savlos and Pavlos. Theseinscriptions read Saul and Paul when translated from the Greek. The mysterious silver spoonsdemonstrate a Christian and Eastern influence that is not present in the other findings.

What does the word Hoo mean in a place name. As in Luton Hoo or Sutton Hoo?

Hoo means a "spur of a hill"

Was sutton hoo a danish king?

No he was asian

Why was sutton hoo important?

dun know