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All pregnancies are expensive. Teen pregnancies can be more expensive because they may need more care due to higher risk pregnancies, lack of insurance, and/or receiving no help from the babies father.

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Q: Whhy is teen pregnancy so expensive?
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Can you give me a speech about teen pregnancy?

Teen pregnancy is so reguarly these days and we particaually think it is not good for us. Teen are having unprotected sex just so they can get pregnant or sometimes it is just a accident. If you would like to know more there is a movie on youtube called The pregnancy pact, watch it and you might get some ideas

Can anyone help with teen pregnancy issues im having?

Teen pregnancy can be hard. I went through it myself. I dunno what kind of issues your having so i cant really answer you. more info?

How does teen pregnancy affect your future?

Teen pregnancy drasticly affects your future, you will find it hard to go to school because you will need to take care of the baby so you will probably drop and get a job as a cashier on minimum wage to support your baby and never get your education. Also you wont have time for your friends like you see on tv. So truthfully teen pregnancy will affect your life in so many negative ways

How does teen pregnancy affect the family as a whole?

as a whole most teen's are to immature physically and mentally, emotionally to raise a child so the teen's parent's usually end up raising the child. so it affects them and any sibling's the teen mother may have.

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i am a preg teen so im all for it.anyone who has something against it has problems!a baby is a blessing and everything happens for a reason.

Why is teen pregnancy so bad?

Teen pregnancy is so bad because you and/or your baby could die. Your family would be sad because you died at a young age and then you would think to yourself "this is all my fault", even the babies father would think it was his fault.

Does teen mom mean pregnancy?

It means a teenager who already has a baby, so they are not pregnant unless they became pregnant again.

What is a good rhetorical question for a speech on teen pregnancy?

have you gotten any lately? So what are you going to be doing for the rest of your life?

What are some common outcomes of teen pregnancy?

common outcomes are the teen or child has medical problems because the teen isn't physically mature to have a baby or mature enough to take care of her body during pregnancy like she should, she is not mature enough or does she have the patience to care for a infant so it often fall's on family member's to care for the child.

Effects of making love at the young age?

teen pregnancy. stds. herpes. crabs. none of these are fun, so don't do it too early.

Was teen pregnancy common during the us during the civil war?

People got married in their teens back then so yes, very.

A closure or conclusion for a speech on teen pregnancy?

So dont have a baby or it may cost you a fortune if ends up being a fat one