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Edward Jenner introduced a smallpox vaccine in 1796. He noticed that milkmaids rarely got smallpox and correctly surmised that exposure to cow pox was protecting them. After modifying the cow pox virus to make it less virulent he sucessfully showed that innoculation with it could prevent small pox infection.

The word vaccination is derived from his work by taking the latin word for cow (vacca).

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14y ago

The first vaccines were invented by Louie Pasteur - a frenchman living in Switzerland.

I believe you are thinking about Alexander Fleming who discovered the first antibiotic penicillin. (The antibiotic was invented by bread mold)

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8y ago

Edward Jenner introduced a smallpox vaccine in 1796. He noticed that milkmaids rarely got smallpox and correctly surmised that exposure to cow pox was protecting them. After modifying the cow pox virus to make it less virulent he sucessfully showed that innoculation with it could prevent small pox infection.

The word vaccination is derived from his work by taking the latin word for cow (vacca).
Edward Jenner, pioneer of the smallpox vaccine

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Q: Who is an English physician who discovered vaccination in 1796?
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When did Edward Jenner discovered vaccination?

!&(^ it means 1796 in caps lock

Who is scientist Jenner?

Edward Jenner (1749-1823) English Physician. In 1796, he discovered that injections of the cowpox virus could produce an immunity to smallpox. Sir William Jenner (1815-1898) English Physician and Pathologist. In 1849, he differentiated between typhus and typhoid fever.

Who was the father of scientific medicine?

A2. Edward Jenner was the English physician who in 1796 established the practice of vaccination, by studying the immunization against small pox given by cow pox. [ Pasteur's work started in the 1840s.]A1. Louis Pasteur

When did vaccination start in the United States for smallpox?


Who created cowpox?

Cowpox, a skin disease caused by the cowpox virus, is a naturally-occurring phenomenon and was not invented by humans. However, the cowpox virus was used by English farmer Benjamin Jesty and German teacher Peter Plett in 1774 and 1791, respectively, to synthesize a vaccination for the much more dangerous smallpox. The word "vaccination" however, would not be coined until 1796, by English physician Edward Jenner.

Did Edward Jenner discover vaccination?

!&(^ it means 1796 in caps lock

When was vaccination invented?

vaccine was invented by Edward Jenner on May 14, 1796

Where was the smallpox vaccine invented?

The process of vaccination was firstpublicizedbyEdward Jennerin 1796

Who discovered immunizations?

Edward Jenner in the year 1796.

Who discover smallpox vaccination?

The discoverer of this particular vaccine was Edward Anthony Jenner. The first time it was used was in 1796 in England.

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There is no record of when Bladderworts was discovered. Illustrations were made of bladderworts by Jakob Sturm as early as 1796.

What was the death rate of smallpox before the vaccination in 1796?

i have no clue so ask some one els ok! i am not a computer i am a human look it up in a book or something are you thick ?