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Apollo 11

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Q: Which NASA project landed an American on the moon?
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Which project landed the first man on the moon?

Apollo project (this one was Apollo 11) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

What is the name of the NASA missions that landed men on the moon?

The NASA missions which landed humans on the moon were called the Apollo Moon missions.

Was it just NASA landings on the moon?

NASA is the only agency to have landed humans on the moon. Russia, however, has landed probes and rovers on the moon's surface.

When did we land the moon?

NASA landed on the moon on July 15 1969

Did the NASA space shuttle really land on the moon?

The space shuttle never landed on the moon, but other NASA spacecraft did.

What did NASA find on the moon?

When NASA landed on the moon, they found a number of things, including a colony or homosexuals and a herd of dinosaurs.

Who will be the first to land a man on the Moon?

In July 1969 Neil Armstrong landed on the moon with NASA. So the first man has all ready landed.

What is the year that American astronauts first landed on the moon?

In July 1969, American astronauts landed on the moon.

How many mission did NASA visit moon?

THere were a total of six missions where men were landed on the moon's surface.

What American landed on the moon first?

Neil Armstrong landed on the moon first.

How many American astronauts have landed on the moon?

12 Americans have landed on the moon

What was the last stage in the American effort to land people on the moon?

The project Apollo was the final stage. on July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the moon.