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the answer is the brown rat

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Q: Which animal gives birth to the most babies at one time?
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What is the most interesting thing about the queen bee?

The Queen Bee gives birth to all the babies in the hive.

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What animal has the most babies in its lifespan?


What do most mammals give birth to?

live babies

Are there any unique behaviors for seahorses?

Yes. The most unique behavior of seahorses is that Dad gives birth to the babies! He takes the fertilized eggs into a pouch in his stomach. And when it comes time to give birth, he has contractions that force them out.

How many chameleons does a chameleon give birth to?

Most chameleons lay eggs. One that doesn't is the Jacksons Chameleon. It gives live birth to about 4 or 5 babies.

Do most teenagers keep their babies after birth?

It's up to them

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Can your two ferrets stay together when one gives birth?

It's suggested not to let ferrets stay together when having babies. Most female ferrets are very protective of their babies and need to be isolated about a week prior to birth in a dark, quiet, secluded area so she can prepare a nest. If the ferret feels threatened that her babies may be harmed, she might cannibalize them.

How do chinchillas have babies?

Like most other mammals... Live birth

Do mammals give birth to live babies?

Yes, most mammals give birth to live babies. Only the platypus, and echidna (spiny ant-eater) lay eggs. Even marsupials such as the kangaroo give birth to live, albeit underdeveloped babies.

What is the earliest you can go outside?

In some cultures, babies are taken outdoors immediately after birth, in others, babies are kept indoors for many weeks. Most babies seem to thrive in most regimes.