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Q: Which causes of death in the us bear a relationship to diet?
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What leading causes of death in the U.S. does not bear a relationship to diet?

cancer,heart disease, diabetes mellitus, pneumonia and influenza

Which of the leading causes of death for American men are connected to diet?

Four of the leading causes of death for American men are related to diet--heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.

What is the relationship between vegetarianism and life after death?

There is no relationship between the two. Vegetarianism is a diet practice which defines which foods can and cannot be eaten. It makes no spiritual or religious claims that would address life after death.

Is grizzly bear are in a diet?


What did African black bears eat?

There are no bear species in Africa any more. The Atlas bear from North Africa is extinct, with the last one hunted to death in Morocco in 1890. Its diet was probably roots, acorns and nuts. The Atlas bear was, however, a brown bear subspecies.

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Are heart attacks the number one cause of death in women?

Heart attacks are very serious for women. They are one of the number one causes of death for women. You need to watch your diet and also exercise! Do this consistently.

What are the leading causes of death for 2009?

Heart and Cardiovascular related deaths are the number one causes of death last year in 2009 and every other year and will be this year. If it is not due to genetics or bacterial disease it is due to bad diet, diabetes, cigarette smoking, and alcohol and drug abuse.

What diet causes orange skin?

The boom boom sun diet.

Is the the grizzly bear an omnivore?

The grizzly bear is a subspecies of brown bear. Brown bears are omnivores. In fact, they have the most varied diet of any bear species.

Could you explain the relationship between diet and death?

Your diet has a direct affect on your health. People who eat their serving of fruits and vegetables, whole grain, poultry and so on reduce their chances of death by cancer or cardiovascular disease. Eating healthy also reduces the chances of diabetes and many other health problems.