

Which countries still use dictatorship

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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- Burma

- Chechnya, a disputed territory controlled by Russia

- Cuba

- Libya

- North Korea

- Somalia

- Sudan

- Tibet, a disputed territory controlled by China

- Turkmenistan

- Uzbekistan

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Q: Which countries still use dictatorship
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There are 15 countries considered as democracies. Cuba is not one of them. While the people are very evident on matters, the country still remains somewhat of a dictatorship.

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In 2011 many counties still live in a dictatorship. Most of africa do as does the middle east. And communist nations are a form of dictatorship.If you do not have a choice who rules it is a dictatorship, so some nations in asia also live in dictatorships. As for the exact number of countries, it is difficult to determine.

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Philippines are one of dictatorship country but it is only on Marcos administration last 1970's

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Dictatorship and seeing other countries like Egypt,Libya,Tunisia but mostly Dictatorship