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Well,my friend it wouldn't be China because they are trying to decrease its birthrate by having the mom be pregnant with only 1 child. So the answer to your question is .....Russia!!!

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Q: Which country has implemented government policies to reduce birth rates?
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Is sociology a science give reasons?

Sociology is a social science that studies the behavior of people groups and individuals in a society. It seeks make understandings and with that predictions and advice on how to improve people. Like any science, it requires research and placing ideas to pen and paper so peer groups can understand what, if any improvements can be made to the social situation. Without publishing new material, other experts in the field cannot know what observations and predictions a sociologist may make. As an example of this type of work, solutions by government are sought to decrease the amount of welfare spent on poverty situations. To ask and receive how government policies can be altered to reduce the number of people on welfare, and to explain how other changes in government policies, and educational policies can worsen or help the welfare situation in a given society.

How do you create a positive care environment?

how do you create a positive care environment There are three areas in which u do create a positive care environment .. 1. through policies 2. practices - following procedures 3. abiding by the law .. answer: reduce, reuse, recycle

How can you reduce homelessness?

The best way to reduce homelessness is to create jobs. When individuals start businesses, they are improving the economy and creating jobs for the homeless.

How can you reduce or avoid danger when you utilize these potentially dangerous?


What are some solutions to reduce urbanization?

The are various solutions to reduce urbanization. Some of them would include developing rural areas so as to de-congest urban centers.

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Jefferson did many things to try to reduce the power of the Federal government. He tried to cut federal budget and reduce federal debt. He decreased the size of government departments. Jefferson decreased the size of the government departments and prompted laissez-faire policies in economic affairs. Then he asked Congress to repeal the whiskey tax.

What can you do as a contry and as citizens to reduce poverty and ensure basic amenities for every Indian?

India as a country can devise socio-economic policies to develop the basic socio-economic infrastructure such as health facilities,housing,literacy and food for all living below the sustenance level and create opportunities for all from the village level to national level.. As citizens we must work forward in this effort in trying to get the policies implemented ,eradicate corruption and help/participate in socio-economic development and programmes. We must be responsible citizens and contribute our share to ensure all possible ways for the policies to be implemented.

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reduce government control of business.

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Contractionary policies are?

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