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Q: Which department is in charge of border security?
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Who is responsible for securing US borders and ports?

The United States Border Patrol is responsible for securing U.S. borders between ports of entry. The Border Patrol is an arm of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) which is under the Department of Homeland Security.

What is the function of security department in a hotel?

The security department in a hotel is in charge of making sure no laws are broken in the hotel. They are in charge of making customers feel safe and making sure nothing is stolen.

What bureau is the US Border patrol with?

The US border patrol is part of U.S. Customs and Border Protection which is part of the Department of Homeland Security

Who is in charge of Australian social security?

The government department called Centrelink.

What department in the law enforcement needs the most people?

border security is always hiring

What does the Department of Homeland Security secretary do?

they are in charge of job training, career qualifications and immigration services.

What is responsible for securing US borders and ports?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for securing U.S. borders and ports. Within the DHS, several agencies play key roles in border and port security, including U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and U.S. Coast Guard. These agencies work to prevent illicit activities, such as illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and terrorism, by enforcing border and port security measures.

How would someone apply for homeland security jobs?

Jobs at the Department of Homeland Security can be found at their dedicated "Homeland Security Jobs" page. There one can select from different types and areas (Border Security, Cybersecurity, Economic Security etc.)

Which department was established to protect the US from acts of terrorism?

The United States Department of Home Security

Which department of the US government was created after the September 11 attacks?

the department of homeland security

Security department function in hotel?

security department is responcible for security of the in houseguest and staff

What are the cabinet positions and duties?

The Department of Agriculture -- improves the production of foodThe Department of Commerce -- helps to control tradeThe Department of Defense -- responsible for the protection and security of our nationThe Department of Education -- makes law for schools and provides buildings and booksThe Department of Energy -- coordinates the nation's energy policies and programsThe Department of Health and Human Services -- in charge of health of the peopleThe Department of Justice -- enforces laws and managing justiceThe Department of Housing and Urban Development -- improves the living conditions of the people.The Department of the Interior -- in charge of the nations recoursesThe Department of Labor -- overlooks if laws are rightly carried outThe Department of State -- in charge of foreign affairsThe Department of Transportation -- operates and regulates air, land and sea transportationThe Treasury Department -- in charge of the nation's financesThe Department of Veterans Affairs -- fills the needs of Veterans that were injured in a warThe Department of Homeland Security -- protects the mainland from terrorismHope this helps