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Q: Which did the Ghana empire tax the salt traders or the gold traders?
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What food did traders bring while traveling to Ghana empire?

Traders would bring salt to Ghana and other things of intrest, mostley salt was traded for gold during the period of trade,

How did Ghana's rulers provide money for their empire?

they traded gold and salt

What resources were traded Ghana's empire?

The things that were traded were gold and salt

What two west African empires became wealthy from trading salt and gold?

The Mali Empire and the Ghana Empire were the two West African empires that became wealthy from trading salt and gold. The Ghana Empire lasted from c. 400 to c. 1200.

What was the gold salt trade?

the answer is Ghana because Ghana owned gold and salt mines.

Where was the Ghana Empire and why was it important?

Ghana was and still is in the North-West of Africa. Ghana was a powerful Kingdom that developed in about 700AD. Ghana was wealthy and powerful because it salt and gold trade at the time. African and Arab Traders met at Kumbi Saleh, the capital of Ghana to exchange goods. The other main items for trade from Ghana were slaves, leather goods and ivory. In return the traders of Ghana bought cloth, weapons and horses, as well as salt from the Arab Traders. After about 600 years, Ghana became part of a new Kingdom called Mali. For over 200 years, it was the most powerful Kingdom in West Africa. Later Mali became part of the Kingdom called Songhay. For a while Songhay controlled gold trade until it was defeated by the Moroccon Army Note: The modern country of Ghana is not in the same place as the ancient kingdom. Modern Ghana used to be a British Colony called Gold Coast, until it became independent.

What are products the people of southern forest areas brought to trade with the north African traders?

The Songhai empire traded mostly salt and gold.

How was Mali's involvement in the trans Saharan trade similar from Ghana's involvement?

Mali is larger and has lot of golds but no salt Ghana has twice as much gold. one of them has salt and the other has gold so they could traded and they could traded for bout 500 pounds of salt for 500 pounds of gold

What is main reason that Ghana became a powerful empire in West Africa?

It controlled the gold and salt trade in that region.

What the main reason that Ghana became a powerful empire in West Africa?

It controlled the gold and salt trade in that region.

What is the trade routes of Mali?

Mail traded Gold and Salt with neighboring countries.

Why did the people of Ghana use the silent barter to trade?

The traders of Ghana did not speak the language of many of the new traders who crossed the Sahara. So, instead of speaking they do this procedure. It also kept the exact location of the gold mines secret from the salt traders. Pretty good system don't you think? lol