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Pertussis, aka Whooping Cough.

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Q: Which disease is it that is vaccine-preventable and may be contracted by unimmunized children from adults and causes a paroxysmal cough?
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Anne of Cleves never had any children and she never married. She couldn't have married because the grounds of Henry's annulment of his marriage with her was that she was pre-contracted to the son of the Duke of Lorraine.

When do children start getting whooping cough?

The disease known as Whooping Cough or Pertussis can be contracted at any age. Make sure your children are vaccinated against it and the rate dramatically increases one will get the disease.

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There were suggestions that he was bisexual because he contracted AIDS, but he had many girlfriends and fathered 7 children, so it is possible he contracted HIV through strictly heterosexual relationships. He died in 1995 at the age of 30, just a month after his AIDS diagnosis.

What are the symptoms of pertussis?

NOTE: In Western medicine, pertussis is more commonly called "Whooping Cough".Pertussis is also known as "dunke" in traditional Chinese medicine, an acute respiratory infectious disease commonly found in children. It belongs to the category of "yike" in traditional Chinese medicine, which is marked by paroxysmal spasmodic cough, peculiar inspiratory croup after coughing, prolonged course, being obstinate and hard to cure.Typical pertussis can be divided into three periods, namely, the initial stage of cough, the stage of paroxysmal cough and convalescence.The initial stage of cough It is marked by rhinorrhea, sneezing, slight fever succeeded later by cough with expectorationThe stage of paroxysmal cough It is marked by paroxysmal coughConvalescence It is marked by relieved cough and lessened sputum, or dry cough which is serious at night and is relieved by day, red tongue with scant saliva, and thready and rapid pulse.It can be treated by certain medicine followed your doctor, hope you better soon

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If your a child and you have AIDS you would be dead already?

Certainly not. Treatments for HIV have been getting better all the time and many people who contracted HIV as children are living reasonable healthy lives as adults.

What disease did Cyd Charisse suffer from as a child?

Cyd Charisse was born in nineteen twenty eight before the polio vaccine was regularly administered to children, and she contracted the disease at a young age before recovering fully from it.

How did England's royal families help in the genetics of hemophilia?

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I used to get 5 points per video on app trailers and now it is just giving me 2. Why.?

The other three are being donated to children who are starving and have contracted malaria in villages in southern Cambodia. You're very generous.