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In myth upon Olympus, either upon Mt. Olympus or the heavenly abode above it.

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Q: Which domain did Aphrodite live in?
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What was the domain of Aphrodite?

aphrodite domain was love and she had passion

What is Aphrodites domain?

Aphrodite is the patron goddess of sex and procreation, love, subduction, beauty, pleasure and happiness.

Why did Aphrodite bribe Paris with Helen?

Aphrodite is the goddess of love: love is the nature of her domain, thus the love of Helen and Paris.

Did Aphrodite have a domain?

not really, only Zeus Hades and Poseidon had actual physical domains, Aphrodite only stayed in Mount Olympus

What part of nature does Aphrodite the Greek goddess answer?

Aphrodite was a goddess of the sea and of the heavens. This does not mean she was controlled by that nature, but rather that she shared the domain of it.

Does Aphrodite still live today?

No Aphrodite does not live today even though she is immortal.

How old did Aphrodite live to be?

Aphrodite, being an Olympian, never died and has no age.

What was Aphrodite's domain?

Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love, beauty and sexual desire.Aphrodite was born of the sea ( or Zeus and Dione depending on the myth). She is the goddess of love, beauty, pleasures, and laughter.

What is Hermaphroditus a god of?

He has no domain. He is the son of Hermes and Aphrodite. The nymph Salmacis merged with him into a man/woman creature.

What year did Aphrodite live?

It greek mythology she lives forever.

Do butterfly live in a domain or kingdom?

They don't "LIVE" in either

Where did the Greek goddess Aphrodite live?

Mount Olympus with the other deities.