

Which elements have 26 protons

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Iron (Fe) is the only element which has 26 protons.

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Q: Which elements have 26 protons
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How many protons have in ironwhat is the atomimc number of protons in iron?

Read the periodic table of elements:26

What mineral has 26 elements?

The element that has 26 protons is Iron....

Has 26 protons?

Iron (Fe) has 26 protons.

How many protons does this iron has?

26 protons as its atomic number is 26

How many protons are there in an atom of iron?

26 It has 26 protons, 26 electrons and (mostly) 30 neutrons, but 28, 31 and 32 neutrons are natural isotopes of iron as well (though less than 10%).

What is the element with 26 protons?

The element with the proton number of 26 is Fe, which is Iron

How are elements determind?

Elelments are determined by the amount of protons they have. While different elements can have the same number of neutrons and protons, no two different elements can have the same amount of protons.

How do you create a periodic chart using 26 imaginary elements?

Use the atomic number. according to the number of protons.

What number of protons are in Iron?

26 protons

How many protons does iorn have?

It has 26 protons.

How many protons does have iron have?

26 protons

Elements with more than 92 protons are called?

Elements with more than 92 protons are called Transuranic elements.