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I looked up and found Wikipedia say "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," but you can question this. Wikipedia's Wikipedia and the site says that it's questionable whether he did burn the manuscript or not. So... Maybe that book?

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Q: Which famous book of Robert Louis Stevenson was a rewrite of a book he threw in a fire and burned?
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Robert Stevenson of Scotland was an engineer. He was famous for his construction of lighthouses. He lived from 1772 to 1850.

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Robert Louis Stevenson wrote famous works such as "Treasure Island" and "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde," among others.

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The famous author buried in Samoa is Robert Louis Stevenson. He is best known for classic works such as "Treasure Island" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Stevenson chose to settle in Samoa and was laid to rest there upon his death in 1894.

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Robert Louis Stevenson was Scottish. He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1850 and is known for his famous adventure novel "Treasure Island."

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Some famous Scottish Victorians include writer Robert Louis Stevenson, scientist Sir James Clerk Maxwell, and engineer Thomas Stevenson. They made significant contributions to literature, science, and engineering during the Victorian era.

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Treasure Island by Robert Loius Stevenson. Also wrote Black Arrow and a Tale of two Roses in the same year

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there is a lot of famous people like Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln, Daniel radcliff, Robert Louis stevenson, and a 100 more! barck Obama became famous by being a president! also Abraham Lincoln who died. Robert loius stevenson became famous by being a author and writing treasure island. Daniel radcliff became famous by practicing to be a actor and play in the movie Harry Potter.

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Robert Louis Stevenson is famous for writing the novel "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," which explores the duality of human nature by depicting a character who embodies both good and evil traits.

What famous people lived in Heriot Row in Edinburgh?

Robert Louis Stevenson and Sir James Young Simpson lived in Heriot row Edinburgh

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There have been many famous novelists over the years. Some of these include Herman Melville, Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain and Robert Louis Stevenson.

Was George stephenson related to Robert Louis Stevenson?

No, George Stephenson and Robert Louis Stevenson were not related. George Stephenson was an English civil engineer known for building the first public inter-city railway line, while Robert Louis Stevenson was a Scottish novelist and travel writer known for works like "Treasure Island" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."