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Foods high in Iron, such as red meat (beef, liver, kidney), canned sardines, pilchards spinach, brocolli, red kidney beans, hazelnuts, cashew nuts, cereals - oats, special K. And a couple of glasses of water....

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Q: Which foods are best to eat after donating blood?
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What should you eat before donating blood?

some carbohydrates

What can you eat before donating blood?

im gonna eat egg.milk.and green leafy vegetables.

What kind of foods should someone with a positive blood type eat?

As of now there is no solid proof that eating foods based on your blood type has any real benefit. It is best to eat a wellrounded diet of foods that are good for you.

What foods should type A- blood eat?

The best foods for the O blood type are foods such as poultry, meats, yams, seafoods, nuts, beans, vegetables. They are the types of foods that were correlated with tropical environments and the O blood type originated there.

What foods should a B.O blood type eat?

The best foods for the O blood type are foods such as poultry, meats, yams, seafoods, nuts, beans, vegetables. They are the types of foods that were correlated with tropical environments and the O blood type originated there.

Can you tell me about eating for your blood type?

You eat for your blood type be eating certain foods that respond the best with your metabolism and digestive system. Certain blood types digest certain foods differently.

What foods should I eat if I have blood type A?

Blood type A people are just the opposite of Blood type O people. You should avoid foods high in fat and eat low fat foods and eat more plant based type foods in your diet.

Are there high blood pressure vitamins available?

Having high blood pressure is called having hypertension. The best foods to eat on this diet, are foods that are low in sodium, and fat. You can find out more on

What can a person with blood type O eat and not eat on the blood type diet?

Do not eat sugarie foods, nothing with alot of salt or sugar. Things with alot of salt or sugar can upset your stomache. Eat healthy foods for your blood type.

How many calories do you lose donating blood?

Physically speaking, as you are actually donating the blood... about 50 cal. you are just sitting there, so no exertion. But the actual loss of one pint of blood followed by the body working overtime to replace the blood cells equals about 600-650 calories! So you burn about 650 cals donating blood, and you save lives! Whoohoo!

Are some foods better for people with type A blood?

As of now there is no solid proof that eating foods based on your blood type has any real benefit. It is best to eat a well rounded diet of foods that are good for you rather than listening to such theories.

What foods replace blood fast after a donation?

No foods really replace blood but eat sugar to reduce daze.