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the sparrow has smaller but more and the giraffe has big and less

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Ducks. Avians have between 11 and 25 cervical vertebrae, whereas most mammals (including giraffes) have "only" 7.

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Q: Does a sparrow has more bones in its neck than a giraffe?
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Which has more bones a giraffe neck or a mouses neck?

a giraffes neck has more bones than a mouses neck Actually, they both have 5 cervical vertebra.

Does a giraffe have more vertebrate in its neck than a mans neck?

No They have the same # of bones in the neck(7)

How meany bones are in a giraffe's neck?

There is much controversy, but the giraffe's neck has the same number of bones as a human neck: seven.

How many bones do a giraffe has in their necks?

The giraffe has 7 bones in its neck just like we humans do. Only they're much more longer.

How many bones are in a giraffe's neck?

The giraffe's neck has seven bones in their neck, just like humans.12

Is a giraffe a invertebrate?

The giraffe is NOT an invertebrate. It has 7 vertebrae--bones--in its neck, just like humans...except a giraffe's neck bones are about 10 inches long each. That's almost six feet of neck!

Which animal has the most bones in the neck?


How many bones are there in the giraffe neck?


Who has the most neck bones out of giraffe or a human?

Giraffes and humans both have seven neck bones.

How many neck bones in a duck?

more than a giraffe's neck has

Can giraffe have three times number of neck bones that humans have?

I guess.

Why does a giraffe have 7 bones in its neck?

Because that's how God made them..!