

Which is a better guinea pig or hamster?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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It depends on if you want to cuddle with your pet or not. You see, guinea pigs are much bigger than hamsters, and they don't do as much as them too, so they like to cuddle up with their favorite person. On the other hand, hamsters are more entertaining than guinea pigs, cause guinea pigs can't roll around in a wheel or ball and can't crawl through tunnels. It really depends on whether you are a cuddler or a person who likes to watch something really cute. Also, just a warning, guinea pigs need a lot more attention and care, and they also do MUCH better with a buddy to share a cage with. hamsters just belong to themselves.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Well I have 2 hamsters and 3 guinea pigs and well if you rather a little little pet try a hamster if you rather a little pet try a guinea pig but there are differences between them

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