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Viruses are microscopic and can not be killed by antibiotics (against life) as they are not living.

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Q: Which microbe can't be killed by antibiotics?
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Which type of microbe can be killed by an antibiotic?

Antibiotics can only kill bacteria. Not fungi or viruses.

What is the given name to the bacteria that doesn't respond to antibiotics?

If a microbe is not affected by antibiotics, it is said to be resistant to the antibiotic.

Why cant you use antibiotics to kill virus but bacteria can be killed by antibiotics?

Because bacteria and viruses are two completely different things. Antibiotics - as their name implies - will kill bacteria, but antibiotics simply have no effect on viruses.

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Which microbe can be killed by antibiotics?

A microbe is basically something you that can only be viewed under the microscope. As a virus is a microbe, you have your answer. Viruses infect a cell, then force it to make copies of itelf until the cell dies. Because of this, antibiotics for them are incredibly hard to make, because to kill the viruses inside the infected cell, the cell too must be destroyed.

What is the sickness that is not killed by antibiotics?

Viruses are not killed by antibiotics; there are also other types of sickness, such as cancer, which cannot be killed by antibiotics. Antibiotics are only useful for treating bacterial infections.

What happens to viruses when you take antibiotics?

Viruses are Not killed with antibiotics need antivirus antibiotics

Why are antibiotics unhelpful for fighting a common cold?

B. Colds are caused by viruses, and antibiotics only kill bacteria

What is the shell of a microbe called?

The shell of microbe may be referred to as a test.

Can intestinal bacteria be killed with antibiotics?


What type of microbes do antibiotic kill?

they have something special which kills them but recently it has been discovered that a few types of microbes cant be killed with antibiotics !!!!!!!

Why cant antibiotics be used to to treat hiv or aids?

Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not viruses, and HIV is a virus.