

Which of the following mountains separate Europe and Asia?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Both the Urals and the Caucuses.

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Q: Which of the following mountains separate Europe and Asia?
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What mountains that separate Europe and Asia?

What mountains separate Europe and Asia

What features separate Asia and Europe?

The Ural Mountains separate Asia and Europe.

What two mountain chains in Russia separate Asia and Europe?

The Ural Mountains and the Caucasus Mountains separate Asia and Europe.

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The Ural Mountains and the Caucasus Mountains both separate Europe from Asia.

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The Ural Mountains divide Europe from Asia.

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The Ural Mountains are important, because they separate Europe and Asia.

Which mountains separate Europe and Asia?

The Ural Mountains and the Caucasus Mountains.

What mountain range separates russia from europe?

Europe is not separate from Russia as part of Russia is in Europe. Two mountain ranges are credited as borders between Europe and Asia, however; they are the Ural Mountains and the Caucus Mountains. The Ural Mountains are the mountains that separate European Russia from Asian Russia.

What the mountains separate Asia and Europe?

The Urals and the Caucasus.

What continent is in between Europe and Asia?

There is no continent between Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains separate them.

What continent is between Europe and Asia?

There is no continent between Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains separate them.

What mountain range divides Europe from Asia?

The Ural Mountains as well as the Caucasus Mountains.