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The part of the brainstem that houses the reflex centers for respiration and cardiovascular functioning is the medulla oblongata.

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Q: Which part of the brainstem houses the reflex centers for respiration and cardiovascular functioning?
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Reflex centers for heartbeat and respiration are found in the?


Which vital reflex centers are located in the brainstem?

Medulla Oblongata

The respiratory centers are located in the medulla oblongata and the pons of the?

Of the brainstem.

What is it called when the brainstem is pushed through the base of the skull?

This is called brainstem herniation and may result in coma or death due to pressure on the vital respiratory centers in the brainstem.

Where are the vital centers in the brain?

Most of the vital systems in our body are controlled in the brainstem.

What part of the brainstem has nerve centers that control many vital processes?

medulla oblongata

Will difficulty in breathing reflect damage to respiratory centers located in the cerebellum?

No, difficulty in breathing is not typically associated with damage to the respiratory centers located in the cerebellum. The cerebellum is primarily involved in coordinating motor movements and balance, not respiration. Damage to the respiratory centers located in the brainstem, particularly in the medulla oblongata, is more likely to affect breathing function.

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Which region contains vital centers for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems?

the section of the brain which contains the centres for cardiac, respiratory and vasomotor action is the medulla oblongata.

What contains reflex centers involved in regulating respiratory rhythm in conjunction with lower brainstem centers?

The medulla oblongata is responsible for breathing as well as heart rate. It is located in the lower half of the brainstem, and is considered to be one of the oldest (earliest developed) brain areas. It is unconsciously controlled.

What part of the brain stem that contains centers for cardiovascular control and sneezing is the?

medulla oblongata

Does the brainstem contain centers for speech and motor?

No, those are in the brain. The Brain Stem and the Spinal Cord are for reflexes and transmitting nervous messages to the brain.