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Q: Which principle of American government did general Douglas MacArthur challenge by his public demands to bomb china during the Korean war?
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What principle of American government did General Douglas MacArthur challenge by his public demands to bomb China during the Korean War?

the prresident's authority as comander-in-chief

Who was in charge of the American military government of japan after ww2?

General Douglas MacArthur .

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The Declaration of Independence establishes as the first principle of American government that everyone is created equal and have certain unalienable rights. Among these rights are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

From which country did Douglas MacArthur represent?

Douglas MacArthur was an American General in WWII

American general who commanded the United Nations forces during the Korean War and the cold war?

US Army General Douglas MacArthur; later US Army General Ridgeway.

What nationality was douglas MacArthur?

He is American.

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Federalism is the principle that gives power to the state governments. The U.S. Constitution divides the powers between the states and the Federal government.

Who was the American leader who presided over postwar japan?

MacArthur helped shape the postwar economy of Japan. The Japanese even named their constitution the MacArthur Constitution. He helped lead Japan into a democratic government and helped restabilize the economy.

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Douglas MacArthur .

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