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Q: Which procedure uses contrast dye injected into the subarachnoid space at the level of the L3 and L4 vertebrae?
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Related questions

How is the contrast medium injected during an angiographic procedure?

the contrast medium is either injected by hand with a syringe or is mechanically injected with an automatic injector, sometimes called a power injector, connected to the catheter

For what is the nephrostogram?

A nephrostogram is a medical procedure that involves a radiograph of the kidneys after a contrast dye has been injected. The nephrostogram then traces the flow of urine from the kidneys to the bladder.

Why should oil based contrast agents never be injected into the bloodstream?

Oil based contrast agents will produce an emboli

What is the medical term meaning radiographic study of the kidneys and ureters using contrast medium?

There are at least a couple of radiographic studies of the kidneys and ureters using a contrast medium. In an intravenous pyelogram, or IVP, contrast medium is injected into a vein prior to imaging. In a VCUG, contrast medium is injected into the bladder to create an image.

What makes the blood vessels visible to X-ray during an angiogram?

requires the injection of a contrast medium that makes the blood vessels visible to x ray. The contrast medium is injected through a procedure known as arterial puncture. The puncture is usually made in the groin area, armpit, inside elbow, or neck

What procedure is performed if a radiopaque material is injected into the blood vessels?


A radiopaque material was injected into the vessels what type of procedure was performed?


What is challengogamy?

roentgenographic examination of the bile ducts after a contrast medium has been injected. Save

Medication is often injected in the subdural or subarachnoid space to alleviate pain?

Medication injected into the subdural or subarachnoid space can help alleviate pain by targeting specific areas and delivering the medication directly to the affected site. These methods bypass the barriers that oral medications would have to go through, allowing for more rapid and localized pain relief. However, these procedures should only be performed by medical professionals due to potential risks and complications.

Why is CT myelography used to diagnose perineural cysts?

CT myelography (a test in which dye is injected into the spine) may demonstrate the cerebrospinal fluid flow between the spinal subarachnoid area and the cyst.

What type of procedure was performed when a radiopaque material was injected into the blood vessels?

It is angiogram.

What is the medical term meaning procedure in which contrast medium is injected via catheter through the mouth to bile ducts and x-ray images are produced?

The medical term for the procedure you described is endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). It is used to diagnose and treat conditions in the bile ducts and pancreas by visualizing them through x-ray imaging after injecting a contrast medium through a catheter inserted via the mouth.