

Which sea touches both Ukraine Romania and Bulgaria?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Black sea

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Q: Which sea touches both Ukraine Romania and Bulgaria?
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What country is bordered by Ukraine and Romania?

Hungary and Moldova have boundaries with these both countries.

What country shares borders with both Belarus and Romania?

Ukraine has borders with Romania and Belarus.Ukraine.

How close to Romania is Russia?

Russia and Romania don't share a border. Ukraine borders both countries, the only country to do so. Romania is to the southwest of Russia.

Which country borders Hungary and Romania?

Both Serbia and Ukraine border Hungary and Romania.

What river forms part of the boundry between Bulgaria and Romania?

The Danube River forms part of the boundary between Bulgaria and Romania.

When were Bulgaria and Romania admitted to the EU?

Both countries joined in 2007.

Which country shares a borders with both Belarus and Romania?

This conutry is Ukraine.

How is Albania different from Romania and Bulgaria?

Culturally Albania is closer to Romania than Bulgaria. With Romania Albania shares the original teutonic layer and 1500 years of Roman empire domination. With Bulgaria it shares some turkic elements present in both countries. Bulgaria is generally slavic, Albania is not.

Landlocked sea in the area of Russia and Ukraine?

The Black Sea has an area of about 169,000 square miles and forms in an elliptical depression that forms from east to west. It lies between Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania and Turkey and is held by both the Pontic and Caucasus Mountains in containment.

Which 2 countries are the newest members of the EU?

Romania and Bulgaria. They both joined in 2007.

Why did it make sense for both Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria to attempt an attack on Romania?

Bulgaria wanted to recover some lands in and around Silistra, in the Dobrudja Region. Dobrudja, the place shared between Romania and Bulgaria. Its a very fertile land

What country touches all three of these countries Europe Asia Bulgaria?

Europe and Asia are both continents, not countries. And Bulgaria is a country in the continent of Europe.