

Which spider lays down flat for self-defense?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Which spider lays down flat for self-defense?
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every single spider lays eggs everything that alive lays eggs besides males

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When the spider lays its eggs inside another living creature, and the nestle inside and enter the blood stream.

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180 eggs

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Usually a spider wasp crawls to the trapdoor spider's hole and if manages to get inside, lays her eggs into the spider. The larvae hatch and slowly eat the trapdoor spider from inside out.

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The flat side so the solid that lays flat without moving.

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How does a camel spider lay it's eggs?

Camel Spiders burrow a whole in the sand and she lays her egges.

What kind of spider is completely yellow no markings?

Misumenoides formosipes (crab spider) According to "Spiderman" Brian Carroll, this flower crab spider cannot change its color like a chameleon. He performed an experiment and disproved the myth that this spider can change to white or cream if placed on a white flower. What he did discover, however, is that if a yellow crab spider lays her eggs on a white-flowered plant, her offspring will be white, not yellow. Furthermore, if a white crab spider lays her eggs on a yellow-flowered plant her offspring will be yellow, not white.